Different values guide different people at different times. As an organisation we have always been guided by several values such as transparency and privacy, continuous learning and development, integrity, awareness and understanding.
Our three founding values have proven to be transformative.
Open Mindedness
An open mind recognises that the world is what we all create for ourselves, and is open to exploring, experimenting and learning. Approaching life with an open mind makes us curious and inquisitive about new possibilities that increases our freedom, opportunities and wellbeing.
An open heart allows us to understand each other and to consider each other's rights, wellbeing and preferences. In our work we consider our own needs and aspirations, those of our clients and those of our stakeholders.
Courage & Expression
We value cultures that encourage and enable experimentation and positive creative expression. It's true we don't naturally like uncertainty, at least not until we learn to conquer it. As a society, as organisations and as people we need to give ourselves and each other permission to dream big and find our way.