Maximising Equity in Value for Money for Infrastructure Programmes
Service line: Thriving Economies / Sustainable Cities
Project: Producing a Guidance Note on Equity in Value for Money of Infrastructure Programmes in Fragile and Conflict Affected States (FCAS)
Funded by: UK Department for International Development (DFID)
Direct Client: Social Development Direct (SDD) with oversight by PwC
Dates: 10/2017 - 12/2017
UrbanEmerge formulated a practical Guidance Note on how to factor equity into project design and value for money (VfM) assessment, for the Infrastructure and Cities for Economic Development, led by PwC. The facility formulates infrastructure programmes and business cases in partnership with DFID staff and country offices, often in an urban context. Equity is related to maximising the social return on investment and reaching and benefitting women and girls, marginalised groups, those who are disabled and the poorest in society.