Land, Transport & Infrastructure

More than ever, there is a need for integrated and participatory strategic planning for cities and regions. Well developed and implemented policies create the urban, regional and national contexts that can unleash urban agglomeration economies and connect cities with their surrounding regions and the rest of the world. Integrated planning that takes into account all aspects of social, environmental and economic capital enables us to create places that offer a high quality of life and access to services and opportunities for all inhabitants.
What can UrbanEmerge provide?
We work with communities, the private sector, municipal authorities, state and national governments to help formulate plans and policies that guide development over the medium term to long term. We adopt a 'system of systems' approach that recognises the nexus of relationships between land resources, cultural and environmental assets, mobility, infrastructure, economics and society.
Land management and tenure is also a vital aspect of good governance and central to achieving many of the Sustainable development Goals. UrbanEmerge can help clients to improve and evaluate current systems and challenges, as well as supporting the development of innovative land governance initiatives.
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