Nadir Ehsan
Infrastructure & Development
Nadir is an expert in planning and financing infrastructure at the city and regional scale. His experience across Europe and Asia includes 8 years in the ADB’s Cities Development Initiative for Asia (CDIA) SSA.
Ben Hawes
Technology & Data Policy
Ben has spent much of his career in the UK Government leading initiatives on data and technology and is now an independent consultant advising the Connected Places Catapult on the role of AI.
Alla Kos
Responsible AI
Alla is a lawyer by training but has spent most of her career in international development, most recently focusing on the role of responsible use of AI in contributing to the SDGs.
Nada Nohra
Urban Economic Development
Nada has focused on sustainable economic development, including the role of industrial parks and SEZs, in the UK and internationally, including for the UK Centre for Cities & UNIDO. Read More
John Ward
Senior Economist
John was previously Managing Director of Vivid Economics and is a renowned expert in economic analysis, including areas relating to low-carbon development and climate change mitigation.
Vidya Naidu
Gender & Inclusion
Vidya has over 12 years of experience in analysing and enhancing gender equality and social development aspects of urban and infrastructure development programmes.
Mike Slingsby
Urban Poverty Reduction
Mike has 45 years of experience in urban development planning including land use and transportation, urban infrastructure, urban poverty reduction and climate change resilience.
Navin Subedi
Nepal Country Coordinator
Navin is UrbanEmerge’s coordinator in Nepal and an expert in evaluation and learning, as well as implementing civil society-led sustainable development programmes.
Asma Jhina
Sustainable and Inclusive Urbanisation and Economic Development
Asma is an experienced consultant and manager with recent experience in sustainable inclusive and resilient urban development for the Rockefeller Foundation 100 Resilient Cities and the ICED facility.
Azim Manji
Urban Infrastructure & Management
Three decades of experience across integrated urban development, infrastructure planning and financing, urban governance reform and capacity building.
Joshua Pelferman
Solid Waste Management
Josh is a specialist in solid waste management and WASH, with expertise in markets for the poor approaches and a geographic specialisation in Sub Saharan Africa.
Joe Wood
Social Impact & Resettlement
Joe is an experienced urban planning expert with a focus on social Impact analysis and resettlement planning and poverty assessments based on qualitative and quantitative data collection.
Tania Tiberia
Social Impact Business
Tania supports the business strategy of innovation technology suppliers with solutions that improve social impact and save lives. She specialises in emerging and developing markets.
Alexandre Anne
Digital & Smart Cities
Alexandre's background is in global telecoms and technology companies and he recently focused on digital and smart city solutions based on applications of 5G, IoT and AI.
Mansoor Ali
Solid Waste Management
Over 25 years of experience in supporting city and national governments implement integrated solid waste management and water and sanitation initiatives with a focus on South Asia.
Joanne Van Selm
Migration & Refugee Issues
Joanne has almost two decades’ experience in policy and academic research on migration, asylum and refugee issues, advising donor and national government clients.
Tejiri Digun-Aweto
Sustainable Development
Tejiri is the Lead Founder of Preserve the Environment Initiative. He has over 10 years experience working in economic development, environmental sustainability and tourism.
Dina Khan
Sustainable Development Planning
Dina specialises in climate compatible and sustainable development planning. She has 15 years of experience assisting governments and development partners.
Teslim Giwa
Energy Efficiency
& Renewables
Teslim is a Renewable Energy expert and part of a growing collective of professionals working towards realizing sustainable built environments in Nigeria. His background training is in Architecture and he received his PhD from the University of Sheffield with specialisations in built environment sustainability.
Alina Kelly
& Branding
Alina provides strategic planning, marketing communication, and project management services to both public and private sector clients. She has successfully led the planning and implementation of numerous large-scale, multi-faceted projects over the course of her career.
Enrique Aznar
Corporate Cultural
Enrique is a change agent and catalyst on corporate culture transformation and change management. He recently led the cultural transformation of a major telecoms operator into a technology company.